Meenakshi, I wanted to ask you how do you see TV Today in comparison with other media stocks like TV18 and Zee Tv
Are you planning to hold just these 6 stocks for next 15-20 years or are you going to add more stocks in your portfolio. If you not planning to...
If a stock tanks around 50% in a day you should ideally hold yourself for a moment and find why a stock has lost half its market cap in a single...
That is indeed an interesting insight and thank you for sharing it. It would be nice of you to share with us in future such insights regarding...
Well technically if the promoters have been selling their stake and informing the same to the stock exchanges there isn't much SEBI can do about...
So in that case you can email to the company. They might answer you. Usually in cases of fire or a strike in the company, I have seen companies...
Try getting your hands on the IPO research reports(Since its IPO was just sometime ago so the information might still be valid) as well as the...
Maybe if you are holding the shares you can write to the investor relations department of the company asking them the updates on the company...
Ramesh Damani is one person whom I personally admire a lot.He has been in the market for decades now and one must learn from his experience....
Srouta you should ideally stick to nice quality blue chip companies and very high grade mid cap ones. But also resist the tendency to buy them at...
From the description above, it says that Umang Diary operates in North or maybe in Uttar Pradesh. I would like to ask my fellow board members if...
Well how would you judge the honesty and reliability of a promoter. There are many small or mid cap companies whose promoter history is very...
If the company is already established or if its in profit then even the dividend payout can be a nice factor.I know the dividends don't play that...
Since it is a micro cap it is very tough to do a through research about the company.This usually applies to all the micro cap or small mid cap...
Excellent post. I believe there is also a stretch of valuations in companies which operate in a niche sector or they don't have any other players...
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