@ Mr kharb , Sir, being one of the the senior most investor in this forum, we expect you to give some words of wisdom as to how to act in this...
Focus on business and basic fundamentals of the economy,not on the govt ,for multibagger returns because for that one has to stay invested for...
Kindly keep cool ! This is the testing time to see how effectively can we control our emotions, which ,in my view , is prerequisite of...
@ Mr kharb ,@ Mr G_One . My suggesetion --Let us conclude the discussion as it has turned unproductive and focus on our own strategy.
@kharb , Sir despite knowing tax liabilities most of the investors, all over the world, temperamentally are of, short term,thus giving an...
One relevent query which I am not able to understand is WHEN A SHORT TERM INVESTOR CAN PAY STT +15% TAX ,WHY DOES A LONG TERM INVESTOR FIND IT...
I also feel it is not one day affair, but it will last for very brief period with less intensity .as the global and local effects will get...
Believe me, I am no card holder of BJP, but I am surprised to see how a seasoned investor like you can also get swayed by the sentiments. I am of...
@Srouta Mukherjee ,I understand patience and conviction in your investment thesis are two essentials of successful investment strategy.Kindly...
@kharb ,Sir what should be strategy in the present scenario. Do you suggest squaring up the present position? What has been your experience ,...
Observing short term irrational behaviour of the crowd with amusement
Sir, with due regards I have to submit that your tirade against the present govt does not reflect perception of balanced thinking, which is...
Sir, do you mean to suggest the previous govt. under Mr Manmohan singh/ Sonia Gandhi perfornmed better than present govt? From your perspective...
It is disappointing to find such a biased subjective assessment of economy of the country, under the present govt ,from otherwise matured and...
@kharb Sir ,just by serendipity my intuition about Rel Cap is coming true,it appears.I am Steadfastly holding it with long term outlook.
Sir ,your assessment does not appear to be unbiased& objective.How can you,being a long term investor, focus on short term pains and ignore...
Well recognised SUPERB advice, Sir.
If I may intervene, to start with focus on well known mid cap and large cap whenever they are available at lower than current price. That is...
Congratulations,Sastry ji !!! Big Achievement. Your superb performance is making me concious of my pitiable underperformance.Your performance...
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