Sir,it is apparent that you have deep knowledge of banking industry. kindly suggest your recommendation for manyfold return in future.your...
If business model with future potential picture is intact, there should be no worry.
So many recommendations but not a word on thinking behind the specified selection.No disrespect intended.
@Mr Funda_Da_Mentalist.Kindly give opinion on my plight.Your Sane advice also is reqquested for.
kindly don't ask, it is horrible.That is why i keep quite these days. Market is frustrating.Stock market is not my cup of tea.dfficult to...
Sir , many thanks.
@Sashtriji( at our place this term means the learned person) sir, my query is still unanswered.Kindly share some investment wisdom gained from...
Sashtriji, will it be unfair to ask for your long term core holding with the buying price and date of purchase with the thought involved in...
This is very rational-OUT OF BOX THINKING.
This kind of thinking process is the EDGE of long term investor.Ask Mr Kharb.?
As matter of fact market panic has just started, which is indication of bottom of bear market. But how long this bottom will last? What are the...
Good proposal ! If at all any such reports is presented, it should be along with another view giving contrary opinion. Thus investor can make...
It appears from sources that now almost every expert accepts that we are in the secular bear market with no visible end . In fact most ot the...
Congratulation,Sir,You are a real motivation for a long term investor. Would you be kind to elaborate your thought process through this period...
@Mr Kharb- Sir in present context I would like to know - Why in some cases business growth is not justifiably reflected in the stock prices ,...
Kindly also suggest some quality stocks which are not popular ,explaining the rationale, because there I can look for multibaggers.. This...
Sastry ji, you have named so many sectors. I am thinking of keeping a concentrated portfolio .Which sectors you would suggest to me which in...
What is massage you would like to share with us as wisdom gained from your long experience , which we can use?
You are humbly requested not to initiate yet another controversy. If you dont like any post, kindly ignore it. Let us use this forum for learning
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