My sincere request to all members, includingMr Darth, for not raising this issue again .I am sure that no one is enjoying this exchange.
I may be wrong but I find the management is not dependable ; not steady with their stated plan. Members opinion is requested for on this count.
I will go with your opinion.In my view if we aspire for better than market returns then investment has to be made at the opportune time when...
@ Mr Parin Gala @Mr Darth- My intention is not to condone those words which members found objectionable but to focus on his stock picking...
As I read, charts does not corrborate this assumption .
Kindly refer to my post of 30th Nov. on this find (FIEM) of Mr Pathak. Loss of forum members !
Is this discussion for academic interest? or is it to buy this scrip? Is it opportune time to go for fmcg stocks? Does it appear under...
@Mr Farhan Ghumra@Mr Parin Gala - I am positive on NBCC. All parameters attractive . Will prefer to buy below 800. Long term buy with moat.
Your gain is sombody's loss. STOCK MARKET IS A ZERO SUM GAME. Loss and gain are inalienable parts of investment exercise - no can deny that..
I have been holding EPC Industries (a M& M group micro irrigation venture) for more than two years , still waiting for market to recognise it. No...
I, for one, will wait for the acceptance scenario of their products in the market.
@Mr Parin Gala-- Why not stick with Pedilite now? I believe it is eqally good story. Or Have you some different opinion. Are you sure that...
Kindly share the WISDOM you got from this episode.
@ Mr Fun_Da_Mentalist @ Mr kharb @ Mr Karthikeyan - If permitted to say , this type of investing is termed Growth Investing by Ace investors...
@MrFun_Da_Mentalist ,@Mr kharb , @ MrSachin pathak @MrSrouta Mukherjee @Mr Parin Gala et al I have read some where that in investment...
Very well said but, very often, not accepted in public
Sir, examples will help me more to understand. Be kind enough to do that.
How much is long term ? Which matrics of fundamentals is of more importance for long term ?Which sectors ? WHAT MATRICES TO IGNORE ? Kindly...
Do you invest on the basis of price movement only ?
Separate names with a comma.