Your selection of IPCA is quite apt as problem is temporary & surmountable.
@ Mr RamaSir,(nice name - I am religiously inclined) Sir,how to protect or minimise downside in trading position?
But ,A BIG question a serious investor ,yet a learnrer like me, faces very often -which level justifies trading position & which level is...
Immense value,it seems . THANKS.
Positive. Holding for longterm.
Very happy with your handling of the cocerned person.It should be taken as good guidance.
@Mr Basavaraj. Big claim of predicting Big acievement! Not bothered future macro scenario ?How do u do it?Even legends like Graham,Buffett are...
@S. Mukherjee.I had overlooked this thread of mukherjee maushay. My mistake. In my view this business is like a FMCG busines dependent on...
Similar is my response with Aurobindo Pharma .Granules India is a good scrip but that every knows. AS of now I dont expect Aurobindo like...
@Mr Pathak.Thiss fellow seems to have chronic problem of developing a business- he does it efficiently-and selling whole or part of it. He has...
Two books ,available in the market, which could be present context 1-MULTIBAGGERS by TEJASWY NANDURY 2-FINDING THE STARBUCKS BY MICHAEL...
But let us wait and watch-how much money it makes-I mean ;profit ,as it somewhat a new buisness model.
DCB appears to be a good investment at this level as an undervalued pick among similar private banks ,otherwise it did not appeal me as...
But,Sir, how much correction is required for Margin Of Safety? This has always been a question before me.
There is lot of noise in the market to this effect. Is it true ? I would like to have members opinion on this issue. My opinion is- It is yet to...
@ Mr Pathak,Sir if it is not getting too personal,may I request u for your mob no. & e mail Id. by SMS massage. My no. is 09719193333.I have some...
I reaffirm that I would skip this scrip if asked to buy on presentlly public domain based informtions. Why should I buy a mediocre company at...
@kharb .How do ur critical perspective view this scrip?
Separate names with a comma.