NO GOOD. Highly inflated valuation. Business quality subnormal- low margin business,Management quality -subnormal- on management effiency related...
@Mr Biju,@ Mr Mukherjee.If members desire,I can WITHDRAW.
@ Mr Murthy,Your suspicion about my psychology is baseless. My be you thougt my intention was to test depth of your knowledge.Absolutely wrong...
@ Mr Pathak,@ Mr Carl. SPL INDUSTRIES is a micro cap,in ready made aparels ,supplier to many international brands,turnaround story as...
@ Mr Pathk,this is wisdom.Thanks for sharing it.
@ Mr Pathak,Thanks for explaining the introduction part of technical analysis.In fact,I have fairely okey understanding of technical analysis and...
@ Mr Murthy,are you master,, sir, of technichal analyses or chart reading ? Never heard , or read ,your name anywhere.? Your varous posts...
@Mr kharb,we will try. Plz, suggest some names.My experiences guide me towards Contrarian perspective.
will u elaboratd further, Please. l am very slow learner i.e. DULL.
@Mr Murthy, how do u form an idea about varios lavels ? Which indicators u use? Moving averages? In what time frame ?
@ Mr Pathak Sir, almost same is my case. Took position about 6years(aprox)back at about same price,but in small quantity.I am of the opinion that...
I would prefer to take contrarian stand on BPL.All the negativity is already factored in the price. I see quite enough probablity of turn around...
Aurobindo Pharma is an investment which is worth keeping for very long time for many multibagger returns.
Fundamentally weak .Hence not likely to give multibagger returns, as it presenly appears.Aurvedic pharma prducts do not have much crediblity...
What has been my many times experiences is -that it comes unexpectedly from ignored areas.
I am not clear in my mind -How many times is multibagger return & what is the required time frame to be called multibagger results? will anybody...
Thanks. But, Sir, I need to understand -why should we give utmost importance to - profit margin agaist other vital parameters?
Mr Murthy, my query is which are crucial parameters i.e. relatively more importat in your own opinion?For example l give more weightage to...
what parameters ,u think, are crucial for making investment decision ? How do decide the quality?
One template of immense value in any investment is - INVESTING IS AN EXERCISE OF ANTICIIPATING THE FUTURE, WHICH IS NOT BE PRICED IN,
Separate names with a comma.