I will wait for correction for better margin of safety.
Technically ,is it in Bullish trend ?
Veterans like Mr Rama Murty Shashtri can decide -if PONDY OXIDE is a good selection or okey, at the presnt rate, for investment for long...
Can we have some other's reading on smruthi organics ?
As regards Smruthi organics, charts are showing persistent buying,but fundamentals are still very weak. Even if it is a turnaround story,in my...
Will it not be a very fruitful exercise if opinions are given on various parameter to be considered while investing and while taking trading...
Good proposal,but before that focus should be on parameters to be applied for selecting multibaggers-i.e. market cap, sales growth,debt lavel,...
Enkei Wheel - a turn around story,a spin off from Alicon, gradually coming into profit,a better bet,but over valued atthe present lavel- in my...
Thanks,quite elaborate answer. l understand buying shares of these companies is more of SPECULATION in future.
Keeping risk reward and margin of safety ,how many of them are fairely valued for investment?
How many of them are in profit? How many of are fairly valued, in your opinion? Is their business model long term sustanable? Is there any MOAT...
kindly give names of listed leading e commerce companies.Buying their shares is investing or speculation? And WHY?
Mecury Lab is in my portfolio,_baught at around 125.But the problem with this is of liquidity.
where will market go?which sector will lead?Nobdy knows for sure.But we know -MARKET HAS OLD HABIT OF SUPRISING EVERYBODY.
Necter lifescience is not worthbuying as it has diappointed on variousparameters like sales, profitably ,debt etc. About 55% pledged shares is yet...
Separate names with a comma.