why modi -reforms are not making impacts on economy?

Discussion in 'Ask A Query About Your Stock Picks And Portfolio' started by w4wealth, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. bholu

    bholu Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Thank you. I will definitely try and think of good ideas, we all should. However I do not think the government is responsible for stock market movements. And I think populist policies will continue to dominate. In this years rail budget there have been no fare hikes. In the last 10 years prices of general tickets have risen by only 5%. How can we ever expect to see some progress if we cannot make a basic contribution as a citizen ?
  2. Farhan Ghumra

    Farhan Ghumra Active Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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  3. prashant

    prashant Active Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Dear all,
    please check today's ET survey and we can see lot of pleasant happenings on economy front .

  4. Raaz

    Raaz Active Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    While the JNU fracas and fiasco is being played out in the media for almost two weeks, this is what also happened

    a) India struck a unique oil deal with UAE, which will land it 4 Million barrels of oil almost free after 5 years.

    b) Indian Railways auctioned scrap for almost Rs.3000 crores through an online auction that is transperant and therefore scam free.

    c) The MakeinIndia event in Maharashtra saw commitments of Rs.15.2 lakh crores. Even if we assume a 10% conversion of those commitments, there are possible investments of Rs.1.52 lakh crores.

    d) First batch of 800 cars have been shipped from Chennai port to Kandla. Seaway movement of cargo within the country was not permitted under law. The present government changed that law. This would result in transportation costs dropping to almost 1/3rd from Rs. 1.50 per kg per km to Rs.0.50 per kg per km.

    Good work is happening in the country. The government may not be working at a pace you desire, but it is working - away from the noise and hubris of the news channels !

    Four Important News that media should have been specially covered this week, but were not at all mentioned by Press, hand in hand with Congress, as they are busy in terrorising people with news of intolerance, creating situations of suicide and such silly childish gimmicks misusing student community.


    1. World Bank has appreciated our Prime Minister Narendra Modi's favourite Project 'CLEAN INDIA' and announced support of 1.5 Billion Dollars for the project.

    2. The 'Nuclear Energy Agreement' between India & Japan has been applauded by 'IEA- Inventions for Energy Alternatives' supporting Solar Energy Exploration and announced that with this collaboration India will achieve a GREAT MILESTONE in the use of solar energy that will be exemplary to the whole world.
    3. Within the next one year GOOGLE is going to provide Free Wifi Service in 100 Railway Stations and are going to train 20 Lakh Android Developers which means that 20 Lakh Youth will get the JOB OPPORTUNITY.
    4. Henceforth CBSC Books will be available online for FREE. Central Minister Smriti Irani has planned this special project.

    When media and News Papers have lost their CONSCIOUS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, Indian citizens have to take this responsibility to reach this message to maximum VOTERS REGARDING THE PROSPECTS NAMO GOVERNMENT IS BRINGING FOR THEM.

    Definitely, you will also carry out this responsibility as I have done by sharing this message with you.

    We have responsibility towards Future Of India.
    prashant likes this.
  5. prashant

    prashant Active Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Dear Raaz,
    thanks for posting these news here . I know one thing for sure, this government sas willingness to do the things (is sarkar ki Niyat saaf hain) . They may not be able to do everything but they are genuine on their efforts in most of the cases .

    When lot of us are blaming modi we forgot to notice that Indian indices have always been following US consistently over decades .
    Government is trying hard to create ecosystem,infrastructure and it will make wonders for India for sure .
    I read and analyse news usually. I have seen a great determination in many decisions and thinking by government.

    Stcok market always ensure it surprises the majority . Now all of us convinced that modi is not working, everyone downgraded indices targets, earning targets etc. We will soon see great bull run and everyone
    who wasted time in criticizing instead of doing home work and taking position will regret .

    Sold media is behaving insane, because opposition knows if this man is successful , he is going to come back to power again and work even harder .

    Lets hope for good .

    Thanks & Regards,
    Raaz likes this.
  6. New_Investor

    New_Investor Active Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I defer. A good economist can prove to be a good Finance Minister, provided he is given full freedom to use his knowledge and implement his ideas. But political pressures may not permit so.