Mudar Patherya has recommended a top-quality stock which he claims has “multiple triggers” to become a potential multibagger. We need to stay on red alert to ensure that we do not miss out on any big bucks coming our way
The arrest of Yogendra Vasupal, Stayzilla’s co-founder, on alleged charges of cheating and non-payment to vendors has caused “shock” to the start-up community. However, hard-nosed investors are not at all surprised. They warn that it is only a question of time before the other start-ups collapse in a similar fashion if they don’t pay attention to basic norms of doing business
Dr. A. Velumani, the visionary founder of Thyrocare Technolgies, has termed the latest decision of Arvind Kejriwal to provide free diagnostic facilities to residents in Delhi as being “crazy” and “unbelievable”. We need to understand whether this move will prove to be a money-spinner for diagnostic companies or sound their death knell
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