Arvind Kejriwal’s poll promises threaten the existence of a stock which is a glittering multibagger in the portfolios of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and Kalpraj Dharamshi. We need to stay alert to the situation and take evasive action as appropriate
Mark Mobius, the visionary fund manager of Templeton Mutual Fund, is a battle-scarred champion of the stock market with several multibagger stock picks to his credit. Tanvir Gill of ET has charmed him into revealing all top secrets of the techniques he adopts to find the winner stocks and has also got him to recommend a stock as a Diwali gift to us
Ashish Kacholia’s favourite tech stock, which is said to have huge “untapped opportunity”, has been battered out of shape owing to soft quarterly results. Leading experts have explained that the fall in the stock price offers us the golden opportunity to tuck into the stock and wait patiently for multibagger gains to unfold
Saurabh Mukherjea’s latest book titled “The Unusual Billionaires” is a treasure trove of knowledge relating to the techniques adopted by savvy investors to find multibagger stocks. If we adopt his advice to our investment process, it is a given that we will also soon be able to boast of multibagger stocks in our portfolios
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