Prashant Jain’s HDFC MF has bought a massive chunk of a mid-cap private Bank bought recently by Brahmal Vasudevan’s Creador Capital. The confidence of the two ace stock pickers is sending the clear signal that mega gains are due from the stock
Ashish Kacholia’s favourite tech stock, which is said to have huge “untapped opportunity”, has been battered out of shape owing to soft quarterly results. Leading experts have explained that the fall in the stock price offers us the golden opportunity to tuck into the stock and wait patiently for multibagger gains to unfold
Saurabh Mukherjea’s latest book titled “The Unusual Billionaires” is a treasure trove of knowledge relating to the techniques adopted by savvy investors to find multibagger stocks. If we adopt his advice to our investment process, it is a given that we will also soon be able to boast of multibagger stocks in our portfolios
Basant Maheshwari has homed in on a top-quality micro-cap which has all the qualities that one seeks in a winning stock. It has a monopoly product, zero debt, high RoEs and reasonable valuations. The stock is already a mega multibagger but has still a long way to go given the infinite demand for its products
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