Daljeet Kohli’s solemn promise that a micro-cap stock would turn out to be a “classic turnaround story” and deliver mega gains has come true. Dolly Khanna is the biggest beneficiary of the bonanza
Ashish Kacholia’s favourite tech stock, which is said to have huge “untapped opportunity”, has been battered out of shape owing to soft quarterly results. Leading experts have explained that the fall in the stock price offers us the golden opportunity to tuck into the stock and wait patiently for multibagger gains to unfold
Dolly Khanna’s visionary approach alerted her to the fact that immense potential for specialty chemicals stocks would unfold soon in the Country. She aggressively packed the portfolio with top-quality stocks when they were available at throwaway valuations and is today basking in massive riches. Luckily, it is still not too late for us to join the party and pocket some of the riches
When powerhouse stocks with impeccable management integrity, sound business model, debt-free status go into a downturn owing to macro issues, they should be bought aggressively. This is the staunch belief of Ashish Chugh and Daljeet Kohli, both of whom have mastered the fine art of finding winning stocks
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