Gautam Trivedi Of Nepean Capital has identified the new themes that are likely to benefit from the “Big India Opportunity” and deliver multibagger gains to investors. He has also recommended a few top-quality stocks
If you are looking for inspiration on how buying the right stocks at the right time can lead to mind-boggling riches, Ashish Kacholia’s magnificent portfolio of glittering multi-baggers will fill you with enthusiasm and vigour that you can also achieve such incredible success with a little bit of hard work and good luck
When two ace investors with a proven track record home in on a stock and buy aggressively, we cannot stand dumbstruck and gape at them. Instead, we need to shed our inhibitions, accept that the wizards know more than us and join them in the party. That way, we have a chance of pocketing a couple of bucks of our own
If you are looking for the ideal ‘no-brainer’ stock, which is the perfect mix of “value” and “growth”, you have to find a stock backed by Rahul Saraogi and Ashish Kacholia. There is in fact one such stock and it has predictably given investors huge returns. The stock looks good for more returns in the future as well
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