Vijay Kedia has joined eminent investors like Prof Sanjay Bakshi, Nalanda Capital and Malabar India Fund in the quest for multibagger gains from a small-cap stock which is said to be at “inflection point”
The troika of Dolly Khanna, Vijay Kedia and Basant Maheshwari has united in declaring confidence in a sector which is slated to become the “next market leader”. We need to take immediate proactive steps to aggressively buy these stocks when they are still at throwaway valuations if we aspire to have multibagger gains in our own portfolios
Bharat Shah of ASK, one of the great contemporary investment thinkers of our time, has come down heavily on the tendency of novice investors like you and me of obsessing over the P/E ratio when evaluating an investment decision. He calls the P/E ratio “rubbish” and “plain stupid” and has offered valuable pointers on what factors we should really be looking at when evaluating a stock
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