Mudar Patherya has put a little known small-cap on the center stage and confidently predicted that it will be “the next Ajanta Pharma”. The stock boasts of impeccable credentials and is well on the way to proving Mudar’s prediction correct
The fraud committed by a MNC which was the erstwhile favourite of Ramesh Damani and Kenneth Andrade has caused colossal losses to its shareholders. Veteran value investor Kalpraj Dharmashi is one of the unfortunate victims trapped in the stock. However, he is using his immense influence to launch a fight-back and deliver justice to small shareholders
In a shocking blow to the confidence of petty investors, a MNC which was highly lauded for its corporate governance and which was backed by visionary stock pickers like Ramesh Damani and Kenneth Andrade has grudgingly admitted that its accounts are not “true and fair” and that a fraud appears to have been perpetrated
MNC stocks are supposed to paragons of virtue and corporate governance. However, a MNC stock backed by stock wizards Ramesh Damani and Kenneth Andrade has sorely disappointed and caused immense grief to its investors. Luckily, Ramesh Damani may have made good his escape though Kenneth Andrade’s IDFC MF is left holding the can
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