Vijay Kedia has hand-picked a fail-safe blue-chip small-cap stock which is on a disruptive and exciting phase of growth. It is a first-mover and is expected to have minimum one-third market share of a Billion dollar industry
Radhakishan Damani is an incredible money making machine of a type that we haven’t seen so far. In just two days, he has made a mind-boggling gain of Rs. 6,100 crore and more gains appear to be on their way. We need to latch onto his coat tails so that some of the gains will fall into our pockets as well
The arrest of Yogendra Vasupal, Stayzilla’s co-founder, on alleged charges of cheating and non-payment to vendors has caused “shock” to the start-up community. However, hard-nosed investors are not at all surprised. They warn that it is only a question of time before the other start-ups collapse in a similar fashion if they don’t pay attention to basic norms of doing business
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