Keeping an eye on what super-savvy investors like Ramesh Damani & Kenneth Andrade are doing pays rich dividends. Today, their mutual stock pick surged 20% on the back of blockbuster Q3FY15 results, spreading riches all around
Sushil Finance, which is well known for its multibagger stock picks like Transport Corp (TCI) and Shalimar Paints, has released a Model Investment Portfolio of stocks to buy and sell
Sushil Finance shook the investing World when its stock pick Transport Corporation of India (TCI) was endorsed by stock wizard Radhakishan Damani and ended up giving 92% gains in just 2 months. Their latest stock pick, Shalimar Paints, appears to be of the same potency and is likely to give investors solid gains
When Radhakishan Damani bought Transport Corp (TCI) stock, the whole World sat up and took notice. What has gone unnoticed is that Sushil Finance had homed in on the stock in Diwali 2013 and have reaped huge gains from their brilliant stock pick. There is huge scope for gains for all stocks in the logistics sector and if FDI in that field is announced before the elections, all logistics stocks will reach stratospheric heights
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