Shyam Sekhar & Jyotivardhan Jaipuria, both old-school value investors, have made aggressive forays towards a top-quality micro-cap, sending the clear signal that mega gains are expected from the stock in the near future
Ramesh Damani & Manish Bhandari, two of the most brilliant investing minds, have explained why a sector, which is in “consolidation mode” at present, is the ideal sector for investment. The duo has also identified two stocks from the sector which are in “pole position” to take off when the sector comes into fancy
After Shankar Sharma’s clarion call that small-cap stocks will give up to 300% gains in the next three years, the onus is on us to identify these stocks. Luckily, seven top-quality small-cap stocks have been handed over to us on a platter by ET
Dolly Khanna’s favourite micro-cap textile stock has received a major vote of confidence from Polus Global Fund, a FII, which has agreed to subscribe to warrants which will be converted into equity shares at Rs. 200 per share within 18 months. The price agreed to be paid by the FII represents a whopping 70% premium to the stock’s closing price
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