Sanjiv Bhasin has assured that mid-cap stocks are poised to double, triple or even quadruple in the next two years. He has recommended 5 high-quality stocks which will help us also rake in the gains
Shyam Sekhar, a leading stock market expert, has issued the spine-chilling warning that micro-finance is “organized usury” against the downtrodden and that Governmental action to curb the practice is imminent. The fact that the MFIs are posting super-normal profits supports the allegation of the loans being extortionate in nature
Capital First has been growing by leaps and bounds under the leadership of Mr. V. Vaidyanathan. Capital First has now issued a corporate presentation explaining its business model, the growth that it has had in the past and its future plans. The credit process undertaken to ensure that the risk is minimized is also explained in detail
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