Today, when panic-stricken investors were running helter-skelter due to NAMO’s knee-jerk crackdown over their favourite stocks, the Gurus had a benign smile. Their immense wisdom had spared them once again from calamity & carnage!
Basant Maheshwari has made the dramatic announcement that his latest favourite sector will be the “fourth industrial revolution” and that it will revolutionize the World in the same way that the steam engine and the internet did. We need to come to grips with Basant’s theory and grab the best stocks in the sector before the hoi polloi does
The stock market is like a jungle where you either perform or perish. Given the high stakes involved, the tolerance for non-performance is limited. Fund manager Prashant Jain has his back to the wall because his major contrarian bets have backfired and his schemes are under-performing. Investors are getting restless. Will he be able to turn the fortunes of the Fund around before it is too late?
Madhusudan Kela, one of the most inspiring commentators on the state of the stock market, has come out with all guns blazing to assuage our frayed nerves that doomsday is nowhere in sight. He has explained the present crises situation in its proper perspective and strongly advised us to take advantage of the bargain basement prices and buy top-quality stocks
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