Renuka Ramnath has sold off the entire holding of Multiples Equity in South Indian Bank to another ace value investor. We need to keep an eye on what stocks she buys with the sale proceeds
Alroy Lobo, whiz kid with Kotak MF, has expressed confidence that we are in the midst of a “multi-year bull run” and that there is plenty of money to be made. He advises investors to be overweight in financial stocks on the basis that they are a “fantastic proxy” for the economy and will also be big beneficiaries of the interest rate cut
Saurabh Mukherjea’s debut book ‘Gurus of Chaos’ has all the ingredients necessary to put us on the right path to finding winning stocks. We learn from the failures and successes of top fund managers and understand how our attitudinal deficiencies are hindering our progress from becoming successful investors
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