Aditya Puri of HDFC Bank has managed to steal a march over his closest rival Chanda Kochher of ICICI Bank. However, the shareholders of ICICI Bank are having the last laugh against their counterparts at HDFC Bank
S. P. Tulsian, the veteran trader-cum-investor knows better than anyone else the perils of investing in fundamentally weak stocks on the strength of speculative news. While Tulsian has got away lightly in the past, Spice Jet has proved to be his nemesis because it has done exactly the opposite of his predictions
If you were one of those who listened to Shankar Sharma’s doomsday prophecy and refrained from buying stocks and missed the great rally, you have good reason to feel cheated with his somersault now that the crash is not happening anytime soon. To add insult to injury, Shankar Sharma is now singing a bullish tune
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