The first thing I want to know is what possessed superstar Rajnikant to get involved in a junk movie like Kochadaiyaan. I think the answer is that he was shown James Cameroon’s block-buster movie “Avatar” and told that Kochadaiyaan would be its equivalent.
Poor Rajnikant. He must be squirming with embarrassment at being associated with such an amateurish attempt.
If you think I am exaggerating, look at the official trailer of the movie. You will be aghast. I have seen better graphics on my ageing PS2 game box.
If you still want more proof, look at what they have done to the lovely Deepika Padukone. Yahoo rightly says “This Deepika Padukone Photo Will Haunt You In Your Dreams”.
There are more such pictures of Rajinikant & Deepika Padukone floating around the web that will shock you.

Dragon monkey shytle? Image credit:
A review in the Times of India tells you the same story. “The characters feel like caricatures of real-life actors we have known. The movements of the actors too are robotic (in dance numbers, it feels like the characters are doing yoga) and the detailing is far from perfect, especially for characters in the background” says the reviewer with a tone of disgust in his/ her voice.
Yet another review is in Firstpost where the reviewer calls it a “hilariously terrible animation” and a “disaster from beginning to end“.
If you are a shareholder of Eros International, now is the time to pack your bags and head for the exit. Trust your instinct. Don’t wait for the official figures to come in. Eros barely managed to survive the ‘Jai Ho’ debacle. It won’t survive the Kochadaiyaan debacle.

Image credit:
Err looks like rajini fans doesn’t care for animation quality. Bookings at multiplexes still looks great with most shows fully booked. Reviews too – fans seems to have looked it. I don’t hold Eros but tracking movies reception as I hold pvr.
I don’t own Eros but I work in an allied business. My guess is they agreed to fund this vanity project in the hope of acquiring other films of his. The profits from those could offset the losses (if any) from Kochadaayian.
If the same movie was made by Sharukh it will be applauded alhtough how pathetic it is
p.s: RA.oe
p.p.s: not a rajini fan
he film is breaking all records. So good for EROS and Accel transmatic who did the graphics, the sam ecompany did graphics for Robot, enthiran,
So i think Accel Transmatics is a compny to be looked at? What do you say
i m not a graeat fan of rajni i live in ghaziabad in utter pradesh , but previous films off rajini sivaji and robot was fantastic i just want to watch kochadaiyaan bcoz of its technich but after watching kocha i have to confess they have waisted this opurtuniy by making a pathethic bore film ,second this film is just for rajini fans so exept south no where will mthis film see any succes i m completly heart broked , iwas expecting something different but the quality is still missing and story my god teh execution is pathethic very bore film , rajini is south super star not a all india super star i love him as an kind nature person but plz if u making a rajini an film dont dub in hindi and present in the name of technology
Really this is one of the best movie in this year.
However, this movies songs are really awesome.
Here is the download link i found, try it now: