After the tragic and untimely demise of veteran stock picker, Parag Parikh, there was concern about the fate of PPFAS Mutual Fund. However, the Fund is doing well under the able stewardship of Rajeev Thakkar and is also on a shopping spree
Jim Rogers, the so-called trading guru, has launched another vituperative and provocative attack on NAMO claiming that the latter is good at getting “toilets cleaned” but little else. He warns that he is getting disillusioned and is contemplating selling his shares
Akash Prakash, ace fund manager, has sent a clear warning that investors are “deeply disappointed” over the lack of reforms and the fiasco over the taxation of foreign investors. He makes it clear that “India is not the only game in town” and that if this sorry state of affairs continues, there will be an exodus of foreign investors from India
Ashish Kacholia is on a buying spree. After Pennar Industries, his latest stock pick is Shreyas Shipping
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