The triumvirate of three eminent stock wizards, Dolly Khanna, Anil Kumar Goel & Vallabh Bhanshali, have homed in on a micro-cap which boasts of superior fundamentals and reasonable valuations
After Shankar Sharma’s clarion call that small-cap stocks will give up to 300% gains in the next three years, the onus is on us to identify these stocks. Luckily, seven top-quality small-cap stocks have been handed over to us on a platter by ET
Nalanda Capital’s latest stock pick is a high-quality company which has already attracted super-savvy investors to it. The stock is currently out of favour amongst the masses owing to the headwinds in the economy. However, thanks to NAMO’s emphasis on “Make for India“, the stock is expected to recover lost ground and surge according to experts
Tata Motors’ rock-bottom valuations coupled with its pedigree as a blue-chip powerhouse stock is making it irresistible for savvy investors. Rajat Sharma of Sana Securities is the latest to be enamoured by its charms. He has conducted a detailed study of the stock and concluded that it is a “screaming buy”
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