Daljet Kohli has put the spotlight on two top-quality mid-cap stocks and promised that both are likely to witness “significant re-rating” in the near future which will lead to hefty gains for investors
Raamdeo Agrawal and Motilal Oswal, the authors of numerous wealth creation studies, have done the investing fraternity proud by amassing a gigantic fortune each. The duo has shown how through sheer hard work, perseverance and a bit of good luck, it is possible to convert rags to riches and amass a mind-boggling fortune aggregating Rs. 5,500 crore
NDTV, which was once a thriving media stock, has now been reduced to a skeleton of its former self due to the anti-India stance of its editor Barkha Dutt. There is a grave risk that the same fate will befall TV Today whose editor Rajdeep Sardesai is toeing the same anti-India and anti-NAMO line as Barkha Dutt
Shyam Sekhar, a leading stock market expert, has issued the spine-chilling warning that micro-finance is “organized usury” against the downtrodden and that Governmental action to curb the practice is imminent. The fact that the MFIs are posting super-normal profits supports the allegation of the loans being extortionate in nature
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