Raamdeo Agrawal has made it clear that he will not succumb to the fear spread by the Bears about the so-called Corona Virus and dump his favourite stocks. Instead, he will stay put and invest more and more
Raamdeo Agrawal has heaped rich praise on NAMO. He has called him a “strict headmaster” who can discipline the “chaos of 60 years of leaderlessness”. India will become a $10 trillion economy under NAMO’s dynamic leadership and bring incalculable prosperity for all citizens, is Raamdeo’s confident prediction
Warren Buffett has joined the long list of eminent luminaries who have not only given India a clean chit but have confirmed that it is an “incredible investing opportunity”. This endorsement will open the flood gates for deep-pocketed foreigners to make a beeline for India. We have to be ready to cash in on the bonanza
Radhakishan Damani is an incredible money making machine of a type that we haven’t seen so far. In just two days, he has made a mind-boggling gain of Rs. 6,100 crore and more gains appear to be on their way. We need to latch onto his coat tails so that some of the gains will fall into our pockets as well
The troika of Dolly Khanna, Vijay Kedia and Basant Maheshwari has united in declaring confidence in a sector which is slated to become the “next market leader”. We need to take immediate proactive steps to aggressively buy these stocks when they are still at throwaway valuations if we aspire to have multibagger gains in our own portfolios
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