Today, the Bears cornered a Blue-Chip with impeccable credentials and hammered the living daylights out of it. They raked in a massive fortune of Rs. 50,000 crore at the cost of hapless investors
NAMO has a penchant for announcing big-ticket reforms like demonetisation, GST, Bullet Train etc. Krishna Memani, a distinguished fund manager, has cautioned that some of these measures have been disasters and caused problems. He has advised NAMO to focus on growth and bring the economy back on track
The troika of Dolly Khanna, Vijay Kedia and Basant Maheshwari has united in declaring confidence in a sector which is slated to become the “next market leader”. We need to take immediate proactive steps to aggressively buy these stocks when they are still at throwaway valuations if we aspire to have multibagger gains in our own portfolios
Kenneth Andrade, the whiz-kid stock picker, has confidently asserted that NAMO’s surgical strike of demonetization is a “huge positive” and that it is giving us the rare chance to scoop us top-quality stocks at bargain-basement prices. He has also given a hint of the sort of stocks that we should focus on
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