Sanjay Dutt of Quantum Securities has candidly admitted that he has lost more money than he could ever think of by investing in junk stocks. However, he has learnt his lessons and has now homed in on safe stocks which can give us mega returns
Sanjay Dutt of Quantum Securities has made it clear that he will never touch stocks like D-Mart and Yes Bank with even a barge pole owing to their “beyond expensive” valuations. He has advised investors to buy stocks which are “sitting ducks” and are certain to give multibagger gains in the foreseeable future
Dolly Khanna has been aggressively buying the stock of a top-quality specialty chemical stock which boasts of a debt-free status, high RoE and low valuations. Leading experts have conducted a systematic analysis of the stock and opined that massive gains can be harvested from the stock in the next 6-9 months
Dolly Khanna’s visionary approach alerted her to the fact that immense potential for specialty chemicals stocks would unfold soon in the Country. She aggressively packed the portfolio with top-quality stocks when they were available at throwaway valuations and is today basking in massive riches. Luckily, it is still not too late for us to join the party and pocket some of the riches
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