Gordon Gekko rightly said that a fool and his money are lucky to have been together in the first place. A scamster cleverly exploited the naivety and greed of novice investors and has pocketed a massive fortune of Rs. 105 crore
Investors merrily tucked into stocks with dubious credentials on the premise that they would blossom into “next L&T” and “next Page Industries” and shower multibagger gains. However, reality is now dawning upon investors that these may be junkyard stocks. Unfortunately, the exit doors are blocked and there is nowhere to run or hide
Mohnish Pabrai’s appetite for Indian stocks has been whetted by the magnificent 10-bagger gains that he effortlessly snared. He is now dumping his portfolio of USA stocks and buying high-quality Indian stocks. No doubt, the strategy is very sensible and should be emulated by all deep-pocketed foreign investors
Akash Prakash of Amansa Capital has provided a masterful analysis of the reasons for the underperformance of the Indian markets vis-à-vis their foreign counterparts. He has assured that this is a temporary phase and that the Indian markets will take off once again and shower multibagger gains upon investors
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