Dolly Khanna’s latest stock pick is a top-quality blue-chip. Mudar Patherya and other experts have opined that there are several reasons why the stock is destined to give multibagger gains
Radhakishan Damani, who once suffered the ignominy of being booted out of the Forbes Billionaires Club, has today attained a net worth of Rs. 24,000 crore (USD 3.6 Billion) in the wake of the stellar listing of the D-Mart IPO. No doubt, Forbes will now roll out the red carpet for him and ceremoniously usher him back into the elite club
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and Kalpraj Dharamshi had a grim expression on their faces as their favourite stock sank like a stone in the wake of NAMO’s surgical strike against black money. However, the two patriots gracefully accepted the loss as the strike is necessary to eradicate the scourge of black money from the economy
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