A top-quality blue-chip NBFC stock has fulfilled the solemn promise that its head honcho made. Analysts have assured that more gains are due from the stock. We need to tuck into the stock ASAP and without further delay
Radhakishan Damani is an incredible money making machine of a type that we haven’t seen so far. In just two days, he has made a mind-boggling gain of Rs. 6,100 crore and more gains appear to be on their way. We need to latch onto his coat tails so that some of the gains will fall into our pockets as well
Sanjay Dutt of Quantum Securities has made it clear that he will never touch stocks like D-Mart and Yes Bank with even a barge pole owing to their “beyond expensive” valuations. He has advised investors to buy stocks which are “sitting ducks” and are certain to give multibagger gains in the foreseeable future
Radhakishan Damani, who once suffered the ignominy of being booted out of the Forbes Billionaires Club, has today attained a net worth of Rs. 24,000 crore (USD 3.6 Billion) in the wake of the stellar listing of the D-Mart IPO. No doubt, Forbes will now roll out the red carpet for him and ceremoniously usher him back into the elite club
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