Daljeet Kohli’s recomm endation of a mid-cap banking stock has gone off well. He has increased his target price and promised more gains from it. Other eminent experts are also bullish about the stock
Billionaire stock investors are supposed to have an instinct for sniffing out undervalued stocks with the potential for hefty gains. The fact that the duo of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala & MA Yusuffali has invested large sums in a mid-cap bank implies that mega gains are in the offing for the lucky shareholders of the Bank
In an earlier piece, Akash Prakash had adopted a belligerent tone and warned NAMO of dire consequences if he did not get his act together. Now, Akash Prakash has softened his stance and given 11 reasons why we should buy stocks on dips
Akash Prakash, ace fund manager, has sent a clear warning that investors are “deeply disappointed” over the lack of reforms and the fiasco over the taxation of foreign investors. He makes it clear that “India is not the only game in town” and that if this sorry state of affairs continues, there will be an exodus of foreign investors from India
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