Atul Suri, the ace investor & trader, has confidently asserted that a mega Bull Run is underway which will effortlessly take the Nifty to 13,500. He has advised us to tuck into ‘TINA’ stocks and prepare for the gains to gush into our portfolios
Billionaire Jim Simon’s Medallion Fund has raked in a mammoth gain of 66% CAGR over 30 years. He has heavily outperformed legendary investors like Warren Buffett, George Soros & Peter Lynch. His secrets are now revealed and can be emulated by us as well to rake in massive gains from the stock market
Madhu Kela, the perpetual Bull, has humbly admitted that he got carried away with the Bull Market and made “unpardonable mistakes”. He has distilled his learnings from the mistakes and explained the strategy that we have to henceforth follow to be able to succeed in the stock market and attain prosperity
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