Porinju Veliyath has brought to an end his spectacular saga with Chor stocks. While he won small battles, the Chors won the War. Porinju has now conceded defeat and vowed to never cross the paths of the Chors again
Warren Buffett has laid down the credo that investors who “know” should have concentrated portfolios. However, the perils of that credo became evident after his all-time favourite “safe haven” blue-chip stock plunged and caused his portfolio colossal losses of $4 Billion. The aggregate loss since investment is $10 Billion
Investors merrily tucked into stocks with dubious credentials on the premise that they would blossom into “next L&T” and “next Page Industries” and shower multibagger gains. However, reality is now dawning upon investors that these may be junkyard stocks. Unfortunately, the exit doors are blocked and there is nowhere to run or hide
Prof Sanjay Bakshi & Sanjoy Bhattacharyya, both eminent value investing dons, have loaded up on a small-cap stock on the basis that it has huge scalability, strong return ratios and free cash generation. However, the consistent poor results coupled with rumours of financial impropriety have sparked fear amongst novice investors that the stock may be a ‘house of cards’
Vijay Kedia & Porinju Veliyath, both eternal Bulls, have confidently asserted that the milestone of 10,000 breached by the Nifty today is merely the tip of the iceberg. They have assured that Nifty 20,000 is round the corner and that we should prepare for it by aggressively buying top-quality stocks
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