Manish Bhandari of Vallum Capital has a distinguished track record for finding stocks with multibagger potential. His latest stock pick is the ex-favourite of eminent luminaries like Ashish Kacholia and others and has all the virtues of a winner
If you are looking for inspiration on how buying the right stocks at the right time can lead to mind-boggling riches, Ashish Kacholia’s magnificent portfolio of glittering multi-baggers will fill you with enthusiasm and vigour that you can also achieve such incredible success with a little bit of hard work and good luck
Vijay Kedia, the self-made millionaire, never tires of advising anyone who cares to listen that we don’t have to stray afar to find the path to riches. Instead, all we need to do is to focus on “simple” and “safe” stocks with impeccable management pedigree and predictable earnings growth and remain invested in such stocks for years to come
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