Sunil Singhania has candidly revealed the names of the stocks which according to him are quoting at “mouth watering valuations“. He has also revealed the stocks where he has placed the “biggest bets” and the reasons for doing so
Porinju Veliyath is famous for his skirmishes with unscrupulous promoters. He has now targeted the promoters of one of his all-time favourite stocks and slammed them for displaying a “shady attitude” and “tormenting minority investors“. He has also alleged that the lenders may be party to a “conspiracy to loot shareholders“
Madhu Kela, the perpetual Bull, has humbly admitted that he got carried away with the Bull Market and made “unpardonable mistakes”. He has distilled his learnings from the mistakes and explained the strategy that we have to henceforth follow to be able to succeed in the stock market and attain prosperity
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