Billionaire Jon Yarbrough, an accomplished investor, has revealed top secrets of how he rakes in multibagger gains. His technique is very simple and we can also adopt it for our own portfolios and rake in big bucks of our own
Investors merrily tucked into stocks with dubious credentials on the premise that they would blossom into “next L&T” and “next Page Industries” and shower multibagger gains. However, reality is now dawning upon investors that these may be junkyard stocks. Unfortunately, the exit doors are blocked and there is nowhere to run or hide
Billionaire Prem Watsa has confidently asserted that India is the “solitary shining star” in the World and that investors have “unlimited opportunity” to make mega bucks owing to the untiring efforts of NAMO. The best part is that the confidence is shared by other eminent global experts. The endorsement by global investors and influential CEOs will go a long way in attracting big-ticket investments to the country
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