NAMO and Arun Jaitley are likely to shower goodies upon us in Budget 2018. To prepare for the event, leading experts have cherry-picked the best 10 ten stocks that will benefit from the Budget
Leading research houses have recommended ten high-quality and fundamentally strong large-cap and mid-cap stocks to buy. The stocks have the potential to give gains in excess of 100%
Ramesh Damani has overcome his long-standing aversion towards Banks and NBFC stocks by adding a high-quality HFC stock to his portfolio. The HFC has ambitious plans and may become a mega multibagger
Three leading investors being Ramesh Damani, Vijay Kedia and Porinju Veliyath have put a buy on a high-quality MNC stock with strong brand image and wide distribution network. The stock is expected to be a multibagger in due course of time
SP Tulsian’s latest recomm endation is a high-quality MNC which is debt-free, fail-safe and a blue-chip multibagger stock. He has described the stock as a “new year gift” to us
Dolly Khanna & Ashish Kacholia have teamed up again to load up on a high quality small-cap stock. The stock is already a multibagger and has a long way to go
Mohnish Pabrai has fondly described his 10-bagger stock as a “flower that deserves to be watered”, implying that more multibagger gains are due from it. Dolly Khanna has endorsed this by increasing her stake in it
Karvy has commissioned its best minds to cherry-pick the best 10 mid-cap stocks and prepare a model portfolio for us. As expected, the experts have done a splendid job in their stock selection
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