Basant Maheshwari did the sensible thing of riding piggy-back on the broad shoulders of mega Billionaire Radhakishan Damani. The strategy has paid off very well and Basant has taken home massive riches
Sumeet Nagar of Malabar Capital has homed in on a stock which is earning 100 percent return on capital and growing at a scorching rate of 70-80 percent. He has described it as “phenomenal company run by great management“. We have to keep a lookout for the stock during its IPO and pounce on it with no holds barred
Mohnish Pabrai’s appetite for Indian stocks has been whetted by the magnificent 10-bagger gains that he effortlessly snared. He is now dumping his portfolio of USA stocks and buying high-quality Indian stocks. No doubt, the strategy is very sensible and should be emulated by all deep-pocketed foreign investors
Basant Maheshwari has launched a crusade to warn novices against investing in “Chakri Stocks”. He has implored us to invest only in “high-quality” stocks even if they are quoting at expensive valuations. Prima facie, his theory appears to be correct as is shown by an expensive stock which was condemned as requiring the Govt to prescribe that all citizens wear “two underwears” for its survival
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